when love was offered to me,
i feared i couldn't write a song about it,
so i forgot all my music.
i feared i couldn't braid flowers
and vines to make a crown
of affection
to wear it on my head one day,
to say that i-
i have love on my palms
and say that i
am crowned with love.
love once made me highlight my fears and asked me:
how will you accept all of me?
will you only see me as a motif stitched on a big cloth of pity?
will you throw me away one day saying you are
of me?
i'll answer today:
i am weary of all the love offered to me
so i let love slide off my hands, get cold feet.
and then you can ask why my hands weigh the heaviest;
and i'll tell you
how they once carried love and never got used to it.
By aayushi
In collaboration with YWMTU (@yourwordsmattertous)