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Skipping Stones Magazine Youth Honors Award

Age limit: 7-17
The Youth Honor Awards recognize creative and artistic works by young people that promote multicultural, international and nature awareness. You might like to read the Youth Honor Award winning entries in our recent issues (Vol. 31, no. 4 or Vol. 30, no. 4) before submitting your entries.
Original writing (essays, interviews, poems, plays, short stories, etc.) and art (photos, paintings, cartoons, etc.) from youth, ages 7 to 17, should be typed or neatly handwritten. The entries should be appropriate for ages 7 to 17. Prose under 1,000 words; poems under 30 lines. Non-English and bilingual writings, photo essays and art pieces (up to 8) are equally welcome.
You may also choose to highlight the work of a youth organization or group project. Using the same guidelines as above, tell us how the group works to preserve nature or enrich the community, its members and the lives of others.
Themes suggested:
- Promoting Multicultural Awareness
- International Understanding and Nature Appreciation
- Traditions and Celebrations
- Diversity and Tolerance
- International/Intercultural Experiences
- Dreams and Visions
- Youth Activism
- Family and Society
- Nature and Environment
- Energy and Climate Change Issues
- Peace, Justice and Equality

Please include:
o A cover letter telling about yourself and your submission, your age, address and telephone number or e-mail.
o Certificate of originality (This is an email or a short letter from a parent or teacher) telling us that what you are entering is YOUR OWN WORK and that we have your and your parents' permission to publish it in Skipping Stones if judged worthy of inclusion.
o A way to contact you (an e-mail or telephone for you or your parents).
There is also a $5 entry fee ($6, if sent by Paypal). Low-income entrants and subscribers can enter for free.
Every student who sends an entry for the Youth Awards will receive a copy of Skipping Stones featuring the winning entries.
Prizes available:
Ten winners will be published in the Autumn 2020 issue.
Winners will receive an Honor Award Certificate, complimentary copies of Skipping Stones, and five nature and/or multicultural books.

Final Deadline:

25th Jun.

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©2020 by Thai Youth Express. 

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