Global Peace Photo Award
The Global Peace Photo Award recognizes and promotes photographers from all over the world whose pictures capture human efforts towards a peaceful world and the quest for beauty and goodness in our lives. What does peace look like? This is a very special question and everybody has very own ideas about it. All the more so today, when we see so much of violence and unrest. We say: Give your imagination free reign. Make your positive attitude visible in a photo. We want to see how you imagine peace. The award goes to those photographs that best express the idea that our future lies in peaceful coexistence, and the best photographs will be exhibited across the world. You may enter several photographs as individual submissions without an overall theme, or you can submit up to 20 photographs as one story. There is no entry fee. The top five listed photographers will be awarded the Alfred Fried Peace Medal. The Peace Image of the Year will receive €10,000. The winning picture will be on display for one year at the Austrian Parliament and will be included in the permanent art collection of the Austrian Parliament. Deadline: 24 May 2020
If you are under 14 you may submit your entries to The Children's Peace Image of the Year competition (See additional link below). The idea of entries is the same as the Global Peace Photo Award, and the winner will also be invited to the award ceremony in Vienna as well as receive €1000. All submitted images have the chance to take part in international exhibitions. The international jury of the Global Peace Photo Award will judge the photographs on artistic merit, originality, subject and style. There is no entry fee.
Final Deadline: